Your Questions About Best Home Based Businesses

Sharon asks…

My employer is lying in order for me to loose my unemployment!?

So I filed for unemployment and it was appealed, I won the first one from the deputy, but the employer filed another appeal and has made up a lot of bullcrap that never happened! She said that I quite my job, but she fired me for coming in with the wrong shoes! She has now started to say that I was disrespectful of my customers I waited on and that when I came in with the wrong shoes, her assitant manager sent me home to change shoes and that I didn’t return and when she called me, I sounded like I was on drugs, and I was very rude and that I stated that I didn’t need the job. What really happened, was that I did come in with the wrong shoes and I asked the assitant manager multiples times if I could go home and change my shoes, he said no and that I couldn’t work today! She later called me and would not give me the chance to speak, and fired me! I was starting college when this happened and I def needed my job because I needed help paying for college and my bills. She has also stated that I actually THROUGH a chair at an employee there, THAT NEVER happened. I thought that the case was based on weather or not I was fired or I quit my job, I do not understand why she is make false accusations for something that does not even pertain to the point of the case! Every single thing she stated is a lie. I have no witnesses because some of them still work there, and a lot of them even stated they would help me if they could, but they needed their job. I do not know what to do honestly. It is a family owned business and I feel as if she will get others to lie for her in her family. All I know to do, is claim it is all a lie and state what really happened and that she never stated before any of this in her first claim and wonder why she is now, and that none of this pertains to weather I was fired or quit. And also I could understand why she would bring all this up if she fired, but she supposedly didn’t! Any advice would be great! Best answer will get perfect score! Thanks

Nagesh answers:

Your boss is going to make your unemployment loose?

Lizzie asks…

major problems at work lots of opinions please urgent?

Ive been having problems with two guys at work. well call them jack and sam. Now for quite awile jack has been harassing me at work. he has tried blocking me in the freezer multiple times, tried running me over with the cherry picker, hit me with frozen boxes of food big ones, hit me with edges of cardboard, threatened and tried hitting me with metal poles and broom handles, hit me with flyswatters, ect. he has repeatedly told me on a daily bases i will never make as much as him and that the department doesnt need me. on top of that a new guy was (sam) and has been siding with jack by saying nasty things towards me. Ive been constantly complained at by my manager for working to slow, but its hard to put effort into a job because of this. despite the fact i have worked very fast and put alot of the effort into this job 98 percent of the time but jack has and continues to take credit and hide my work. He has been in the dairy department since the store opened 4 years ago and he is considered by them as their “best and most valuable worker” and he gets lots of congrats medals and gets lots of power in that department.

growing sick of this i finally decided to report it to the store director and human resources department there. they told me the first week they would move me to a new department. two weeks went by more hitting and harassment. i went again and asked what was being done. they told me that i need to provide them with dates and times of when this happens. i told them its hard to come up with dates when i was afraid of going against my store to begin with for fear of them sideing with jack over me. but i said just pick a day when we work together and look cuz he has done it almost everytime we work together.

i waited another few days. looked at the schedual one day and found out the next day i was working with jack and sam together this time. i went in before work and talked to the high ups again. they let me work a few hours and go home early before both guys came to work.

now the store director called me in today and talked to me. mind you in the beginning they wouldnt listen to me completely and said they cannot go by word of mouth. well now they did go by word of mouth. they asked other employees (of which i dont know of course) about the problems between me and these other guys. the employees said it was a two way street and that i had pushed and hit jack as well. my store director said that i was to tell him the truth and that if i didnt i would be fired. i said he has hit me and i have never physically touched him. why would i as this is a job i depend on for food and bills. he said so your just and innocent bystander that jack harasses? i said yes i take it smile and keep working. so as a result i am getting written up and moved (pretty much demoted) to a cart pusher. on top of that i have no clue what my schedual is as my store director said that he must go confirm once again that the other employees said that i have pushed and hit jack and if they say yes i will be fired. i asked when i worked next and the store director said we will call you and tell you when you work.. giving them time to see if im fired or not… for no reason.

my gf and my father suggest that since my gf is getting a new job making twice as much as what we make now together i quite my job now when she starts unless they fire me before that, go get my dipoma (please no comments about that), work on the businesses i am currently working on building online, and either get a new job when i get my diploma or go to collage. and in the mean time file for unemployment as well.

opinons please and what would be my rights and the best thing to do? i know i didnt hit this kid, he has hit me many many times and many times leaving bruises i know i should have taken pics of but i never came to mind. and now my job is going against me and this jack and sam both still have their job and nothing affecting them out of this really.

Nagesh answers:

Quit your job and GO BACK TO SCHOOL. You seem to be fairly intelligent. When you graduate from college you will be making 4 times more than jack and sam and the joke will be on them. Just remember be patient and steady your reward will come!

Helen asks…

How would you rather be billed?

You are signing up for a lawn service that has a streamlined business model to allow you to not have to worry about making payments, waiting on service, and has a legitimate reputation in your town.

The company’s website allows you to get your lawn service price without waiting on an estimate. Once you sign up online, your home is set up to be serviced on a regular, dependable basis. There are no contracts or cancellation fees.

Which billing method would you rather have?

Option #1: When signing up for service you are directed to PayPal to set up automatic recurring payments based on your frequency of service and your new service is scheduled. There is nothing left for you to do except enjoy your lawn service. Billing is done automatically.

Option #2: After signing up for service online, the owner of the company calls you to verify the cost of your service and when you would like it to begin. To finalize your new lawn service, a credit or debit card is kept on file for payment. Payment is only billed the day following service to give you time to call if there are any problems with the performed service. There is nothing left for you to do except enjoy your lawn service. Billing is done only by the owner of the company.

Option #3: You would rather have the old fashioned way. You call a few lawn services, wait for your estimate dates, find out who might have the best price, call them back, and wait for your new lawn service. You will pay cash or check. The company may have late fees if you pay late.
I should add, this lawn service company is about customer service and convenience for all of its customers.

Nagesh answers:

If you are signing up for the service you are doing it online? Or ??? You failed to say that part. If I was signing up online I would like option 2 for the first month. The personal contact is very important. Then Option 1 would be okay with me. But a visit or call from the owner every 3 months or so would be ideal. Human interaction is still very important in the service industry. I think that the option 3 people will just find a company that is not so customer service orientated and will find the cheapest person no matter if they are knowledgeable

So my answer is 1 after a 2 and a 2 every 3 months. 😉 Good Luck !

Chris asks…

What do you think of these characters for a teen drama story?

Sorry in advance for length. These are somewhat based on my real life.

They’renot yet named, so here’s them with letters for names. They’re all 16, they’re all somewhat nerdy/geeky, they’re all part of the same group and they all suck at sports, just to sum up what would have to be repeated. I tried to make them quite complex, and different aspects of their personality would emerge as the story goes on. And yes, they’re mostly intelligent but that’s because these people tend to group together.

A – The main character who will narate the story. He is a somewhat shy and socially inept student among classmates, but is quite at home with friends. He is quite critical and analytical and often talks back to teachers when he believes their teaching is poor or wrong. He will argue for a long time, and due to being quite intelligent, is usually right. He has best interests at heart, despite his stubbornness, and values his friends deeply and fears ever losing them. He is quite intelligent and creative but struggles to concentrate in anything he does not enjoy and is generally very lazy. He spends a deal of time in contemplation and is very self-aware. Because of this, he often overthinks everything and gets nervous about making mistakes. Around friends he is upbeat most of the time, but can go on about a subject endlessly. He has never had a romantic relationship, but quietly wishes for one. He hopes to get into computer game development, and his main interests are computing, games, art, and movies/TV.

B – He is also quite intelligent and creative. He is more outgoing and charismatic than his peers, but is still quite introverted. He often has depressive episodes and a love-hate relationship with himself. He is quite close to his friends and is normally quite friendly and light hearted, but can become self-centred at times. He is quite lazy. He is in many ways proud of his flaws and is not turned away easily by flaws in others character, though he may make jokes about them sometimes. He eventually decides he is of homosexual orientation and is quite open about it. He does not know what he wants to do for a career, and his main interests are anime, literature and psychology, driven by his own inner confusion.

C – He is somewhat less intelligent than B and A, and is not quite as skilled creatively, though is quite a talented musician. He feels somewhat left out by his lower level of intelligence, but is generally quite positive and supportive of his friends. He shares A’s disrespect for authority, but is less active about it. He is often treated at the pun of jokes, but takes it lightly. He is quite devoted to his friendship, but is easily distracted and can often come off as shallow when he simply doesn’t understand a complex matter. He enjoys video games, comedies and rock music, and plans for a career in the police force.

D – He is fairly smart, but openly admits that he has no creativity. He is quite introverted and can seem aloof at times. He enjoys sarcasm and is quite good at it, but normally stays quiet during class unless around friends. He is more family oriented than the others and keeps many aspects of his life quite private. He does not give in easily, ignoring insults or guilt tricks. He is proud of being weird, and behaves similarly when addressed by most people. He rarely expresses his stronger emotions as he feels it is nobody elses business. He enjoys gaming and has an online life more active than his real one. He doesn’t really think too much about his plans for the future.

E – She is the most extroverted of the group. She is reasonably intelligent and creative. Often with a bubbly demeanour, she is quite open about everything. She knows she is hyperactive and is proudly of English heritage. While usually kind and generous, she can switch to being serious very quickly, and often insults people, including her friends, without feeling bad about it. She is as argumentative as A, and the 2 often end up in long debates. She has a somewhat active romantic life. Her interests include active socialising, literature and TV. She plans to be a creative writer.

F – She is quite casual and genial in general and is one of the most intelligent and creative out of the group. However, she can get very annoyed at people who do not understand things or are hypocritical, treating them with disrespect and sarcasm. She does not brag to people, and can discuss her choice topics at length, but dislikes arguing. She prefers to avoid conflict if possible. She has a series of crushes, but usually gets over them quickly. Often, she prefers to design her own fantasies rather than concern herself with the real world. She loves art, film and TV, especially scifi and fantasy and wants to be a proffesional phtographer.

Nagesh answers:

Wow it sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into these characters, good for you. The only thing that really concerns me is the fact that they all seem to live in there own little coven. Not to brag but I hang out with a group of intelligent peers and I am smart as well but we still out branch to the rest of society especially since we are girls we tend to be more social then guy are but that doesn’t make it less important for us to get outside of our “group” sometimes and talk to other people who are very different. We are all very creative (again not to brag but one of my friends is an artist, the other a musician, and I’m an aspiring author) and since we are creative we’re not lazy. In A and B they both are creative so it would be more realistic for them to follow their passion and be proactive about it.
What I would really love to see in this show is a variety of characters some twisted scenes and intermingling social groups thats what tends to make a show a hit. I personally think you should add a jock or a popular kid that was a past boyfriend of E/F and while he dates a lot of slutty girls really only has eyes for her. Then maybe an emo kid was once part of the group and the whole nerd/geek clique is trying to make her see that he/she is awesome and deserves to live. You should also add some family background to each character this tends to effect a characters personality and automatically makes the conflicts available endless which is what is needed for a long running show. One of them could have a big family and wants to be a star but is seen as just a kid who will follow in his/her father’s/mother’s footsteps, one could have dead parents and was adopted and has to deal with adjusting to a new school and new family, etc.
I’m sorry if this comes across as harsh I really don’t mean it like that. I’m just trying to help you as much as possible. I really think that the characters are great these are just suggestions to make them and the show/story even better.

Sandra asks…

What is the Best Way to Market My Home-based Business?

I am in the process of starting a home based business. But I need tips on how to network and market my services. I want sell men’s clothing and watches. Thanks

Nagesh answers:

There are so many ways to market your business. It all depends on your time and budget.

I would start off by building a site like the other people have suggested. I love wordpress. It is a blogging platform which you can make look and function like a regular website if you are not after a blog. By the way I am talking about buying your own domain and hosting, not a blog. Or if you are more after a shop like website I would suggest you invest in some kind of shopping cart software, you can pick a fairly good up up for a few hundred dollars and have a professionally looking website with a shopping cart and all. Try

If you are selling men’s clothes and watches a great way to sell your products is on ebay, my house mate makes a full time living selling watches on ebay.

A great way to market your site or blog or both is to use social bookmarking tools like and social media site like facebook and twitter.

Without knowing more about your business, experience, and budget it is a little hard to provide exact advice however I hope this helps. However regardless of all this I would recommend you check out this book, it is free and it outlines step by step how to market and sell products online

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