Your Questions About Best Home Based Businesses

Charles asks…

How about this business idea?

I was just thinking about random stuff like I always do, and this is what I came up with.

A business that provides service to the people. A service that looks for the best deals for the customer based on their needs. Now what does this mean?

-I thought of this after being sickened at all the false advertisements such as the “6 burger grill” that I bought, that can barely squeeze in two regular sized patties.-

This company will look at a form filled out by the customer, including the type of item they want to purchase, the minimum and maximum or needed specifications, and the minimum and maximum price. The company will then search through a database of gathered research and find the closest matching products, then examine reviews, quality, durability, and then decide which would be the best suited, and the best deal for the customer. Once approved, the company can search through a database of retailers that have that item in stock, and have them reserve it for you to pick-up, or place an order of shipment.

For example, say I want a new receiver for my home theater system. It needs to be black, have x amount of inputs/outputs, must have at least x amount of wattage, must be HDMI compatible with two ports, must be user-friendly, must fit inside a 2ft x 2.5ft x 3ft enclosure, and must be between $350-$600. Instead of spending my whole weekend running to-and-fro electronic stores, the company can look through and find which product best suits my needs.

This idea will keep people from getting ripped off by false advertisements, save hours of personal searching time by the customer, and allow the customer to get the best they can out of their money.
I don’t know what a price range would be for this service. I really haven’t thought of it much, just a 5 minute idea. What do you all think?

Nagesh answers:

Even if it was a good idea…you just shared that with millions no lifers that got no jobs. (aka P&S users).

Richard asks…

Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition should be three to five?

please I need help I know some of you will say do your home work, is just english is my third language still having a hard time Written Assignments.
16. Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition should be three to five
paragraphs long. It should contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
A. Argue for or against the elimination of speed limits.
B. Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.
C. Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer.
D. Analyze the best way to buy a car, mow a lawn, or prepare a meal.
E. Describe a memorable day in your life.
17. Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a business letter, and use the full-block style. The
complaint may be about anything you wish (such as malfunctioning equipment, poor building
maintenance, or disruptive noises from a nearby office). You can base your letter on a true
experience, or you can make up all the details you need.

Nagesh answers:

My favorite sport is foot ball. Foot ball is considered a contact sport. It allows you to meet other boys my age. But most of all it helps me to build physically and mentaly. There is nothing like getting in to the uniform and out on the field.I like to look at the crowd and hope they are going to cheer for my team. Before we get on thefield, we have to do a few exercises which keeps us limber and in shape. We do push up and run, There are other exercises we have to do in our practice sessions. Which is at least 4 times week. I believe in football you get more exercises than any other sport. I like the fact that we can play under the lights at night. This seems to be the best time todraw a crowd to cheer you on and parents aren’t so apt to be working so they can come and enjoy the game. Nothing makes me prouder than to have my dad tell me what a good job i did. My dad loves football as much as I do and it seems to bring us tgether more. We watch a lot of football on television. Yes, you can get hurt in football, which is why some kids don’t want to play. But, some hospital records show that you get hurt just as much or even more playing soccer. You can get hurt playing baseball and some of the other sports also. To be honest, I would not suggest playing a sport of anykind if you are affraid of gettng hurt. Not only do you get the satisfaction of playing the sport, you can also get the attention of the cheerleaders. Who wouldn’t want that. I have played football since I was A young boy and I hope to play in college.Who knows I may get scouted for the major leagues. Yes football is my favorite sport whether I am playing or watching it on television.(This is just a suggestion. You can figure the paragraphs out if you want to use it).I am sure there is at least 3 if not 4 or 5.

William asks…

i feel like i cant escape please help me?

the hard thing for me is that i dont even have the motivation to type this question….i feel like a worthless person…and i dont know what to do…
so much has happened lately that finally in this moment i feel like i cant handle it anymore…i am just sitting here crying and not knowing what to do….
-this year one of my best friends boyfrind who i knew killed himself

-my grades have continued to falter even though i stress about them everyday and i just put it all off

-my mother looks at me like im a failure and i know she loves me but she still is ashamed of me

-i have severe tmj disorder and i have to get braces back on for over 2 years and there is no garuntee it will work, it is so much pain i cant bear it and i may live with it for the rest of my life

– my dad is always gone on business and comes home and thinks he knows everything

-i feel very selfconcious

-an old friend of mine blames me for cuttting himself

everyday i think about these things and just put a song on to motivate me but as of now i cant be motivated anymore all i want to do is be huggged and told everything will be alright but i knowit wont be every year with my grades i day……im going to do this….but i have a 2.9 which is humiliating based on that im in honors classes and am very smart…

every time i see my mom she tells me….your going to county….and yells

we have no more money and braces will cost 6000 i dont know what to do

Nagesh answers:

What is happening with you is that you are in a depression, and you are drawing all these things from life into yourself and using them to fuel your depression.

It’s normal for teens to be depressed. It’s a chemical imbalance in your brain that is exacerbated by the hormones of the teenage years. Go to your counselor at school and say you need some help for depression. Let them talk to your parents because it sounds like your parents are not supportive.

It’s very easy when you feel depressed to make everything about you and everything your fault. You need to get your thinking cleared up and stop using all of these things to feed your funk.

First, the guy you knew who killed himself – so what? That has nothing to do with you. People have problems. Don’t make it your problem.

The same thing with your friend who blames you for cutting himself? Come on. He cuts himself because he has a problem that he is not dealing with effectively. That is not your fault or your problem. It has nothing to do with you.

It’s hard to keep your grades up when you feel like crap. When your mother yells, just answer in a calm voice and tell her that you need some professional help with your depression and the yelling and criticism from her is only making you feel worse. She is probably just trying to motivate you, in her way, to push you because she is afraid you won’t be successful. Let her know that it is not helping, you are aware of your grade situation and the importance of it and you are doing your best to cope.

Don’t worry about your dad “knowing everything”. So what. Take whatever good advice you can get from it and just ignore the rest. Your parents are just people like everyone else, they are not perfect and they don’t know everything. They just try to do what they think is best. It is not easy to raise a teenager.

Sometimes parents forget how hard those teenage years were.

TMJ can be related to stress as well as a misalignment of the jaw. Stop worrying about the money. If your parents can’t afford it, they won’t do it. If they can, they can. It’s not your place to worry about the finances for that. That is your parents’ responsibility.

The TMJ will get better. Use google to find out how other TMJ sufferers have found more relief. The braces will almost certainly help if it has to do with your teeth. If your jaw is out of alignment, that can be helped with a chiropractor. If you have not seen a chiropractor, ask your parents to take you. That might solve the problem right there. It sucks to have a painful physical condition, but these things can be remedied. You won’t have to live with it forever. Until then, there are painkillers if the pain gets to be too much. Use the appropriate amount for your age. Get a prescription from your orthodontist.

About your feelings of worthlessness, again, this is coming from your chemical imbalance. It’s a common symptom of depression to feel hopeless, worthless, like nothing matters, like nothing will get better, life is not worth living, and so forth. There is a section of your brain that handles these “downer” emotions. The chemicals in your system are stimulating this part of your brain.

You know what? If you had no problems at all in your external life, you would still be feeling those feelings. Because that is what depression is. You are using your circumstances to feed it, but they are not causing it.

You must insist on getting some antidepressants or other help for your depression. Eating right can help a lot. Sugar really sets it off, but not immediately. Like, if you eat too much sugar today, about one or two days later you feel practically suicidal from it. Then it takes another day or two for those chemicals to cycle through and you feel better.

It’s worth keeping track of what you eat to see if when you feel really bad, you can trace it back to something you ate yesterday or two days ago. Ice cream is another thing that commonly sets it off.

Always remember that what you have is a chemical imbalance, it is a physical problem NOT a mental problem and it can be controlled by what you put into your body, nutritious food and medication. When you feel your absolute worst, you still must keep in mind that it is NOT because life is so miserable, it is because of the chemicals and it will pass. It will get better. Give yourself a day or two and you will feel better.

Sadly, too many teens do not know this, they have a really bad day and figure life is not worth living, and they do something drastic and permanent. Can you see how stupid that is? Because depression is definitely treatable and it does get better with treatment and even with just getting older and getting out of that super-hormonal stage of growth.

You hang in there and do what you have to do to get some treatment. Things will get better.

Nancy asks…

i feel like i cant escape please help me?

the hard thing for me is that i dont even have the motivation to type this question….i feel like a worthless person…and i dont know what to do…
so much has happened lately that finally in this moment i feel like i cant handle it anymore…i am just sitting here crying and not knowing what to do….
-this year one of my best friends boyfrind who i knew killed himself

-my grades have continued to falter even though i stress about them everyday and i just put it all off

-my mother looks at me like im a failure and i know she loves me but she still is ashamed of me

-i have severe tmj disorder and i have to get braces back on for over 2 years and there is no garuntee it will work, it is so much pain i cant bear it and i may live with it for the rest of my life

– my dad is always gone on business and comes home and thinks he knows everything

-i feel very selfconcious

-an old friend of mine blames me for cuttting himself

everyday i think about these things and just put a song on to motivate me but as of now i cant be motivated anymore all i want to do is be huggged and told everything will be alright but i knowit wont be every year with my grades i day……im going to do this….but i have a 2.9 which is humiliating based on that im in honors classes and am very smart…

every time i see my mom she tells me….your going to county….and yells

we have no more money and braces will cost 6000 i dont know what to do

Nagesh answers:

You have to find yourself a goal to achieve. For me it is to help humanity. I then make a rational plan on how to achieve this goal. Here is my plan:

1) Achieve a 4.0 GPA through High school while participating in Sheriff Explorer’s

2) Get accepted into a UC(preferably UC Davis or UC Merced)

3) Get a degree in Bioengineering

4) Work at a bioengineering company(like Genetech) for several years

5) Start my own company called FutureTec

6) Hire scientists and engineers from across the world to construct highly advanced technology

7) Achieve fusion power and invent a fusion engine

8) Build space ships and colonize other planets, keeping humanity from becoming extinct and allowing our species to live on

Sandra asks…

Who agrees we need to spread the truth on Obama’s Alinsky-style community organizing training for socialists?


He [Obama] is quick to say that the community organizing he did in Chicago was “the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School.” But he never tells us who educated him, not even in the two memoirs he’s written. He also fails to disclose who hired him. Obama claimed in the recent national service forum at Columbia University that he worked for “churches” while organizing on the South Side of Chicago.

Obama in fact worked for a subsidiary of the radical Gamaliel Foundation, a Chicago-based Alinsky group, and he was paid by the radical Woods Fund, which supports Gamaliel. Gamaliel’s Web site and history page make plain that it evolved from the Alinsky school of organizing. Its training methods acknowledge an “agitational” style of organizing.


Serving on Gamaliel’s board of directors is John McKnight, who wrote a letter of recommendation for Obama to Harvard. McKnight is a noted “student of Alinsky” and former ACLU director who now teaches at Northwestern University.

McKnight also sits on the board of the National People’s Action, or NPA, a particularly thuggish group of Alinskyite agitators who sing the following ditty when picketing the homes of business and government leaders: “Who’s on your hit list, NPA? Who’s on your hit list of today? Take no prisoner, take no names. Kick ’em in the ass when they play their games.”

And for those who want to dig into the details more:
Fernando: You say, “What is wrong with communism”? Can you say that with a straight face? Can you mention that to families who have been murdered standing up to communism in the former Soviet Union? In China? In Cuba?

Nagesh answers:


Socialism is way left not mater how far to the right datedisc… Is or isn’t

eat the rich

Just admit it you are a socialist also why not stand up and proudly proclaim what you are? It is a fact Obama worked as a communtiy orgainer for the Gamaliel Foundation. The Gamaliel Foundation was started by Saul Alinsky their wedsite even says so.

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